CPS Portal Engine v.:1.20

This portal was designed to support the building of a web page using PHP language, on Linux operating system, using Apache webserver and MySQL database.

The portal has an integrated editorial system, wich users with sufficient privileges can access. The PHP language provides an easy way of expanding the functionality. The used platform independent technology (ADODB) can be used to access several databases. The used MySQL database can provide sufficient availability with low maintanence costs.

Supported databses:

  • MySQL - suggested
  • Postgres
  • Oracle

The Linux operating system provides high level security protection from attacs with it's built in firewall capability even in remote hosting envirnments.

The high performanct provided by the Apache webserver enabling us to provide sufficient performance even on a standalone server.

Our system is highly scalable, enabling us to separate the webserver from the database server, and building a replication based database cluster, or a load-balanced webserver cluster..

©2019 4WAY